LPC Staff Contagious Illness Prescreening Questionnaire ({{gravity-field-id-3}})

In an effort to keep our campers and staff happy and healthy, Lone Prairie Camp has adopted a contagious illness protocol. Camp is an amazing setting to spend time making new friends and having loads of fun making memories to last a lifetime but with that comes the risk of illness travelling quickly throughout camp. As a camp, we want to do all we can to ensure this is a positive experience for all in attendance.

In addition to our other strategies to reduce the risk of illness (hand washing, sanitizer, facility cleaning, no sharing of beds or water bottles etc.), Lone Prairie Camp uses this Prescreening Questionnaire for campers and staff.

  1. has not displayed any symptoms of contagious illness during the pass 24 hrs including fever (over 38°C), cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. For a more structured assessment, you can use the Alberta Health Services COVID-19 SELF-ASSESSMENT (https://myhealth.alberta.ca/Journey/COVID-19/Pages/Assessment.aspx)
  2. will endeavour to maintain a healthy lifestyle including (but not limited to) healthly sleep habits, drinking plenty of water & maintaining good nutrition.
You will only receive this Contagious Illness Pre-Screening Questionnaire once per season. If you are unable to sign this document because you have symptoms, please email registrar@loneprairiecamp.com as soon as possible. Contacting the LPC Office as soon as possible will allow us to have a discussion regarding how best to proceed.
It is important that this document is signed by the participant (or their parent/guardian if the participant is under 18 years old) on the day of arrival. Please digitally sign this document before arrival but not before the day of arrival.

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Document name: LPC Staff Contagious Illness Prescreening Questionnaire ({{gravity-field-id-3}})
lock iconUnique Document ID: f16492e0a5061df32368971da5f64932d3248d8d
Timestamp Audit
May 22, 2020 10:26 pm MSTLPC Staff Contagious Illness Prescreening Questionnaire ({{gravity-field-id-3}}) Uploaded by LPC Registrar - registrar@loneprairiecamp.com IP
May 22, 2020 10:41 pm MST Document owner info@loneprairiecamp.com has handed over this document to registrar@loneprairiecamp.com 2020-05-22 22:41:13 -