The ministry of LPC is able to continue because of the ongoing support of individuals and families like you. Thank you for prayerfully considering financially supporting Lone Prairie Camp.
As has become our practice, below are various projects we would like to tackle during this unusual year to maintain and improve our programs and facilities. Thank you for your ongoing partnership – together we are impacting lives for eternity.
Donate through PayPal Giving Fund Canada to ensure your entire donation impacts camper lives!
Note: If we receive donations towards a given project exceeding our requirements, surplus donations will be applied towards other projects.
2024 Projects
Partial amounts welcome, see Gift Acceptance Policy
If you are donating towards a specific project, please send us an email with the date, amount and designation because the reports for online donations can take up to 2 months before we can access them.
LPC Campership Program
Cost: $11,765 granted in 2024 (Average of roughly $320 per Campership child)
Quantity: 37 Camperships
We need your support in order to continue ensuring that finances are not a barrier to campers encountering God at Lone Prairie Camp. Only 39% of our 2023 Camperships were covered by donations.
LPC Staff Support Fund
Cost: Approximately $30,500
Quantity: 6 eight week equivalent summer staff positions not covered by grant funding
“The labourer deserves his wages” (Luke 10:7 & 1 Timothy 5:18) and although Lone Prairie Camp is extremely grateful for the many individuals and families who volunteer with us each summer, we recognize that many others have tuition and other expenses in the fall and therefore need to earn money during the summer.
- $700 or $60/month covers 1 week of a summer staff position
- $2,800 or $235/month covers 1 month of a summer staff position
- $5,600 or $470/month covers an 8 week summer staff position
- Contributions towards our Endowment Fund help establish a long-term income source
Reshingling Camp House & Bathroom Building
Cost: $7,565 (Fully funded by donations!)
The camp house & bathroom buildings need to be reshingled this season to ensure we don’t end up with water damage. The labour is being generously donated, but we need donations towards the materials and disposal costs.
Climbing Wall
Cost: $4,220
As a part of a routine inspection, we were directed to do some additional testing on our climbing wall. The climbing wall passed on the required tests, but the tests were an unexpected expense.
Knowing that our climbing wall is now coming up on 30 years, LPC has also been collecting donations towards a replacement structure. We have already raised half of the roughly $75,000 such a structure would cost.
Bathroom Building Reno
Cost: $1,350
Another project we are hoping to accomplish next spring is renovating the bathrooms. A few years ago we were blessed to be able to pour new epoxy flooring (similar to the flooring in a pool change room) that is much easier to clean and improves the overall aesthetics of our bathroom. This year, we would like to finish the face lift by replacing the counters, repainting the walls and ceiling, installing new mirrors, as well as updating some of our plumbing system. Updating the bathrooms would be a very visible improvement to our camp and the overall functionality of our facility.
Wet Waste Interceptor
Cost: $1,570
No one thinks about the plumbing…until it doesn’t work. LPC uses a septic system and we therefore need to be extra careful about what goes down the sink.
Even small food particles can clog our kitchen sink, but this wet waste interceptor makes filtering out those food particles simple. No more clogged sinks!
Item Donations
Cost: Various
Do you have some items that you could donate to LPC? Please contact us to see if we could give your items a new home.
Here are a few items that we are currently specifically looking for:
- Washing Machines
- Guitars and Ukuleles (or $100 donation, for new guitar skill block for summer campers)
- Lawn Mowers
- Weed Wackers (or $100 donation)
- Power Tools
We need many volunteers with trades experience in order to tackle these projects. If you have carpentry, plumbing or electrical experience, please contact our office.
Ongoing Projects:
LPC Endowment Fund
Current: $33,584.15
Have you ever considered contributing to an endowment fund or including an endowment donation in your will? Did you know LPC has established an LPC Endowment Fund and even small amounts are welcome? Designate your donation towards the LPC Endowment Fund or contact our office for more information. The interest from your invested contribution will be available to LPC each year. We have also partnered with Advisors with Purpose to provide FREE and CONFIDENTIAL estate planning assistance.
Repay BGCA Loan Towards
Kitchen Reno, Dinning Hall Extension, Garage Addition & Crystal Bathroom
Remaining: $72,315 (As of June 30, 2024)
Through a combination of a provincial grant, donations and a loan from the Baptist General Conference in Alberta, Lone Prairie Camp was able to make several significant facility upgrades including a major kitchen renovation project and a new attached bathroom that will benefit our ministry for years to come.
The loan is structured like a mortgage which we are steadily paying off. However, donations towards paying back the BGCA loan could help Lone Prairie Camp pay back the money sooner and save interest costs. We would like to pay back an extra $6,000 per year so future facility projects are not hampered by existing debt