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Would you consider including Lone Prairie Camp in your will?

The Baptist General Conference of Canada has partnered with Advisors with Purpose to provide FREE and CONFIDENTIAL estate planning assistance. Although LPC obviously appreciates if you decide to include us in your will, using Advisors with Purpose does not in any way obligate you to do so.

Advisors with Purpose is an amazing opportunity that we enjoy you to access. LPC is not able to provide legal advice, we are absolutely available to discuss donation options and help connect you with experts regarding these types of donations.  Please contact our office for more information.

LPC Endowment Fund

One popular will designation is towards an endowment fund where your original donation is preserved and the income generated is contributed to the camp’s budget each year.  LPC is investing our Endowment Fund in index ETFs and even small amounts are welcome.  Designate your donation towards the LPC Endowment Fund or contact our office for more information.

“Donations towards LPC’s Endowment Fund will be invested in index ETFs. Funds will be managed in such a way that the inflation-adjusted principal is permanently restricted with inflation defined by an annual Alberta Consumer Price Index adjustment. Excess earnings will be forwarded back to Lone Prairie Camp Ltd.”