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Every hiking trip has an element of risk.  As recommended by Parks Canada, our trip will be registered with the National Park including our itinerary.

Pre-Hike Training

Proper preparation for a hiking trip begins well before taking the first step on the trail.  Take a look at for some suggestions regarding getting ready for the great outdoors, specifically the Pre-Hike Training section.


According to Parks Canada, bear attacks are uncommon.  However, to stay safe and protect the wilderness, we will travel with two goals in mind: limiting our impact and avoiding encounters by managing our food, food smells and garbage.

  • We will only camp in designated areas which are specifically designed with bears in mind. We will make use of the provided bear caches.
  • We will keep ourselves and our campsites odour free. All food, garbage and other scented supplies will be stored in air-tight containers.  None of these items are allowed in pockets or tents.  NO DEODORANT or other scented cosmetics.
  • Bear bells are mandatory for all campers.
  • All dishes and food utensils will be washed and stored immediately after use. Dishwater will be dumped at least 100 metres from our sleeping area.
  • Campers will receive a bear orientation including a review of the above procedures and how to handle a bear encounter.
  • A designated staff will have bear spray during hiking and it will be stored in a specific tent at night.

First Aid

Many situations including dehydration, sprained ankles, heat stroke, blisters and hypothermia can usually be avoided with proper equipment and responding properly to early indications.  We reserve the right to not accept campers who do not seem physically able to manage the rigors of backpacking or have inadequate equipment.  In accordance to Alberta Camping Association recommendation, we require a record of the camping and hiking experience of each participant prior to the trip.

  • Campers must drink sufficient water. Staff will be insisting campers drink water regularly.
  • As much as feasible, meals will provide balanced nutrition.  Please recognize that this does not imply we will have access to fresh food.
  • Campers must have adequate footwear. Footwear without ankle support and/or water-proofing is unacceptable.
  • Campers must bring their own blister products. Please refer to our Outtrip Packing Lists for blister advice.
  • Campers must have a sleeping bag with a minimum rating of -3C stored in a water-proof bag.
  • Campers must have adequate raingear.
  • All clothing must be stored in waterproof bags.
  • Campers must avoid making clothing wet and no wet clothing will be allowed in the tents.

Our staff have First Aid training to respond to situations they are likely to encounter.  A staff member will hike back if additional help is needed.